Saturday, November 27, 2004

Putin's Greatest Fear

Vladimir Putin is deathly afraid of the scent of oranges. That fresh scent is threatening to cleanse the stink of Moscow not only from Ukraine, but from the rest of the former USSR.

The actions of the several hundred thousand young Ukrainians
Minsk Goes Orange on the Maidan give hope and courage to others who know the burden of authoritarianism. It's reached Belarus. Can Russia be far behind?

Residents of Minsk demonstrated solidarity with Victor Yushenko today. Orange color dominated in central avenue of Belarusian capital. Minskers were wearing orange cloths, hats, bands, carrying orange balloons. Orange bands ware tied on trees. Most of Belarusians follow struggle of Ukrainian people for freedom attentively...

...Orange color irritated only riot-police. After Zubr activists unrolled poster with words “YES, YUSCHENKO!” some of policemen tried to tear it and arrest “zubrs”. But attention of journalists did not allow to do it. Also they were searching people who were handing out orange bands, but none was arrested.

For more information and photos from the Orange Action in Minsk, please view the website of ZUBR the democratic movement of Belarus.

460 Ukrainian Diplomats Now Signed On

Four Hundred Sixty (460) diplomats have now signed the open letter prepared by Ukrainain diplomats in Washington DC on Monday. It reads in part:
Guided by our conscience, our professional pride and our oath to loyally serve the Ukrainian state, we express our solidarity with the voice of the Ukrainian people. That voice is an expression of protest against the violation of our citizens' right to elect a president by democratic means.

The List of diplomats as of this morning (in Ukrainian - as per Koresspondent):

1. Авінова Ю.
2. Автономов Д.
3. Адомайтіс В.
4. Аждар Р.
5. Александров А.
6. Александрович О.
7. Алтухов Г.
8. Анацька О.
9. Андарак Р.
10. Апанович Т.
11. Арістова М.
12. Асман Я.
13. Баран Я.
14. Баранюк О.
15. Басенко О.
16. Бевза В.
17. Безкоровайний В.
18. Безушенко О.
19. Береза О.
20. Бернацький А.
21. Бешта А.
22. Бешта П.
23. Бібік І.
24. Біла К.
25. Біленький І.
26. Білецький Р.
27. Білогуб С.
28. Білоус В.
29. Бірюченко А.
30. Бобицький Н.
31. Боднар В.
32. Боєцький Т.
33. Боєчко В.
34. Божко О.
35. Божко О.
36. Божко О.
37. Божок Д.
38. Божок Е.
39. Бойкова І.
40. Бокотей М.
41. Бондаренко О.
42. Борисенко О.
43. Боровець І.
44. Боровик К.
45. Боровко В.
46. Борсук М.
47. Бранашко О.
48. Брисюк Я.
49. Бродович М.
50. Василенко С.
51. Васильєв Д.
52. Вдовенко В.
53. Вінійчук В.
54. Вітренко Ю.
55. Власенко О.
56. Вовчак В.
57. Войнаровський В.
58. Володимирова-Ліхоліт І.
59. Волочич М.
60. Волошин В.
61. Воронін О.
62. Врублевський П.
63. Гаврилюк Т
64. Гаврищук Т.
65. Гак Л.
66. Галака А.
67. Галібаренко Н.
68. Гальченко Г.
69. Гаман О.
70. Герасимчук А.
71. Герасько Л.
72. Гиренко П.
73. Головешко П.
74. Голоуліна О.
75. Гончаренко Д.
76. Гончарук Ю.
77. Горницька А.
78. Горопаха С.
79. Горьков О.
80. Горяйнов Р.
81. Гошовський З.
82. Гребенюк В.
83. Григораш В.
84. Гринчишин В.
85. Губрій А.
86. Гудима Б.
87. Гулей В.
88. Гулик К.
89. Гуриненко О.
90. Гуцалюк В.
91. Гуцол Л.
92. Дарибогова О.
93. Дарчук Л.
94. Даценко П.
95. Дем”янець В.
96. Демиденко Ю.
97. Демидюк С.
98. Денис О.
99. Дещиця А.
100. Джелмач О.
101. Джигун М.
102. Дзіворонюк Г.
103. Дзьома О.
104. Дзюба С.П.
105. Діденко А.
106. Дідух В.
107. Дір Л.
108. Добриніна Ж.
109. Довганич І.
110. Довганюк І.
111. Дорогань О.
112. Дорофєєв А.
113. Дорошенко Т.
114. Дорошенко Ю.
115. Драч С.
116. Дякун О.
117. Дяченко І.
118. Єгоров В.
119. Єжов С.
120. Житарюк Н.
121. Жулінський В.
122. Жуля К.
123. Журбенко Н.
124. Журенко І.
125. Журко Н.
126. Забрудський П.
127. Загуменова О.
128. Задорожнюк Н.
129. Заїка Н.
130. Зайцев О.
131. Закашанська Ю.
132. Запевалова Т.
133. Зарицький О.
134. Зарудна Н.
135. Захарова О.
136. Заяць А.
137. Зінкевич М.
138. Злобіна М.
139. Іваничук Н.
140. Іванова О.
141. Іванченко І.
142. Іванченко Р.
143. Івашко В.
144. Іжевська Т.
145. Ільницький О.
146. Ірхін О.
147. Ісаєв С.
148. Ісаєва О.
149. Іщенко Д.
150. Іщенко І.
151. Капустін О.
152. Карасевич О.
153. Карташов П.
154. Картиш А.
155. Кастран М.
156. Кизим І.
157. Кириченко О.
158. Кицун О.
159. Кір’яков П.
160. Кіцюк О.
161. Клименко Ю.
162. Клинченко О.
163. Кобець О.
164. Кобзєв Д.
165. Кобзистий О.
166. Козлов В.
167. Козловська О.
168. Колесник В.
169. Колісник С.
170. Коломієць С.
171. Коновалов В.
172. Кононученко М.
173. Конопко Д.
174. Корнєєнко Б.
175. Корома В.
176. Косенко Н.
177. Косий В.
178. Костюк В.

179. Котик В.
180. Кохан Д.
181. Кравець О.
182. Кравченко О.
183. Кравченко О.
184. Кравченко Р.
185. Кравчук М.
186. Крамаренко С.
187. Крамаренко Т.
188. Красільчук В.
189. Кривохижа А.
190. Круглик С.
191. Круковський А.
192. Круть В.О.
193. Кудрик К.
194. Кузнєцова Л.
195. Кузьменко А.
196. Кузьмич Т.
197. Купчишин О.
198. Куравський З.
199. Курмаз Л.
200. Куроленко І.
201. Кучеренко С.
202. Кучерявий Ю.

203. Кушнарьов Ю.
204. Кушнір І.
205. Ладний. Ю.
206. Лазарєв Ю.

207. Лазебник С.
208. Лазуто Ю.
209. Латій Г.
210. Левченко В.
211. Левченко О.
212. Лещенко В.
213. Лещенко С.
214. Лимар В.
215. Лисенко І.
216. Лисенко Ю.
217. Лихоступ. В.
218. Лісницька О.
219. Лобач В.
220. Лобко В.
221. Лозинська І.
222. Локшин В.
223. Лопатіна Н.
224. Лоссовський І.
225. Лубів М.
226. Лубківський Д.
227. Лубківський М.
228. Лузін В.
229. Лукошко В.
230. Лупак А.
231. Лутовинов Ю.
232. Ляхова Н.
233. М”язова І.
234. Мазниченко О.
235. Майорова Р.
236. Макаренко А.
237. Макєєв О.
238. Малик Я.
239. Мантюк М.
240. Марків В.
241. Марков О.
242. Мартиненко М.
243. Марущинець В.
244. Мархай С.
245. Масенко О.
246. Масло Н.
247. Матічук Н.
248. Матющенко Д.
249. Мацкевич Н.
250. Мащенко О.
251. Медовніков О.
252. Мирончик С.
253. Мисик О.
254. Михайлюк С.
255. Михальчук О.
256. Міняйло С.
257. Міщенко О.
258. Мовчан Б.
259. Могилевич О.
260. Москвітін О.
261. Мудренко Н.
262. Мялковський В.
263. Наджос А.
264. Надоленко Г.
265. Напов О.
266. Науменко К.
267. Непоп Л.
268. Нечепоренко Г.
269. Нечитайло О.
270. Никифорак Н.
271. Нікітюк Ю.
272. Ніколайчук С.
273. Німчинський Р.
274. Новицька О.
275. Новосьолов О.
276. Овчаров О.
277. Овчінніков О.
278. Огородник В.
279. Огризко Р.
280. Околіта М.
281. Олійник А.
282. Олійник З.
283. Олійник І.
284. Олійник О.
285. Омельченко В.
286. Омельченко Т.
287. Омелян В.
288. Осаволюк Л.
289. Осаволюк М.
290. Осадчий О.
291. Осауленко І.
292. Осипенко Р
293. Остапенко С.
294. Отінко Т.
295. Отрош М.
296. Отрош О.
297. Павлик Г.
298. Павлишин О.
299. Павліченко О.
300. Павловський А.
301. Пазенко С.
302. Палагнюк І.
303. Пархоменко Ю.
304. Пасинчук К.
305. Пасько І.
306. Пахіль В.
307. Пашенюк О.
308. Пашківська І.
309. Петриченко Н.
310. Петров О.
311. Петровська С.
312. Пиріг Р.
313. Писаревський О.
314. Пільчук С.
315. Піндюрина Ю.
316. Піонтковська Л.
317. Плачинда В.
318. Плодистий О
319. Побережний В.
320. Погрібний В.
321. Положій А.
322. Полозька Н.
323. Польова А.
324. Попель А.
325. Попик С.
326. Поремська Н.
327. Потапова І.
328. Пристайко В.
329. Приходько М.
330. Прокопчук І.
331. Пророк Г.
332. Пузирко В.
333. Радченко М.
334. Радько А.
335. Редько М.
336. Рендюк Т.
337. Ренкас Д.
338. Решетняк В.
339. Решетняк О.
340. Рибальченко Л.
341. Рибитва І.
342. Роговець Г.
343. Роман Л.
344. Романенко С.
345. Романюк Л.
346. Рось О.
347. Рубан Я.
348. Саблук В.
349. Савіна Н.
350. Сакаль Я.
351. Саликін Г.
352. Самосватов М.
353. Сардачук П.
354. Сатко В.
355. Сафронова О.
356. Свистков Д.
357. Свистун О.
358. Севрюков Ф.
359. Селін О.
360. Семененко О.
361. Семенець О.
362. Семенюк І.
363. Семенюк О.
364. Сенченко О.
365. Сергієнко М.
366. Сибіга І.
367. Сидоренко М.
368. Сидюк С.
369. Синенька Т.
370. Сирота О.
371. Сіренко О.
372. Сіщук Р.
373. Скибинецька Я.
374. Скляренко Д.
375. Скосарева І.
376. Слєнзак І.
377. Сліпченко О.
378. Сльозко Ю.
379. Собко В.
380. Соколовський Б.
381. Солодовник С.
382. Солотва В.
383. Солошенко Ю.
384. Сольська Т.
385. Сорочинський В.
386. Старак О.
387. Статкевич М.
388. Степанов О.
389. Степура Ю.
390. Суляєва В.
391. Сухомейло П.
392. Сухомлин В.
393. Сушко Т.
394. Тертична Г.
395. Тершовчин Р.
396. Тибінка Я.
397. Тимофеєва Н.
398. Тимофіїв О.
399. Тіркус Ю.
400. Ткаченко В.
401. Ткаченко Л.
402. Ткаченко Т.
403. Токар Ю.
404. Токаревський Г.
405. Токарський Ю.
406. Толкач В.
407. Толкачов Г.
408. Топоровська Н.
409. Точицький М.
410. Третяк Л.
411. Туриненко
412. Удовенко Г.
413. Федоришин В.
414. Федорова Л.
415. Федунків Т.
416. Філіпенко Є.
417. Філіпчук В.
418. Філіпчук О.
419. Фуртус Л.
420. Хабенко С.
421. Хала С.
422. Цепенда І.
423. Цимбал В.
424. Цок Н.
425. Чалаван В.
426. Чорний П.
427. Чуприненко Р.
428. Шальківський В.
429. Шарков О.
430. Шаром О.
431. Шведов М.
432. Шевкунова Л.
433. Шевченко С.
434. Шевченко А.
435. Шевченко В.
436. Шелест Н.
437. Шелєхова О.
438. Шендріков Є.
439. Шепелєва М.
440. Шкілевич В.
441. Шклярук І.
442. Шкуренко-Громаков Ю.
443. Шовкопляс О.
444. Шутенко С.
445. Щерба А.
446. Щербатюк М.
447. Юнгер М.
448. Юрченко О.
449. Юхимович О.
450. Ющенко О-М.
451. Яворський Ю.
452. Яковенко М.
453. Яковенко Р.
454. Ялова О.
455. Янковенко Н.
456. Яременко І.
457. Яременко О.
458. Яремко В.
459. Яснюк В.
460. Яценківський О.

Love Fest with Yulya Now

As Yulya came out to the people, they have been calling for her to wish her a happy birthday, the crowd went wild.

Even on her birthday, she rallied the troops, thanking them for their efforts, their commitment. She assured them that victory is theirs.

On the fly translation and transcription:

We all can see the difference that you, dear demonstrators have mde. Earlier, when we entered the CEC, we were met with hostility. Now we see the difference in their eyes, we are met with warmth and that is due to you, dear demonstrators.

We will all go together to the Supreme Court on Monday. We will go not in anger. We'll go to the Supreme Court on Monday, not to demonstrate against the Court. We will go to show our support for the truth, for the honest jurists. And we'll have Yuschenko as the de jure President of Ukraine.

Yulya is being Cheered on the Maidan Now

Today is Yulya's birthday and the crowd has been chanting her name. And they were just promised that she will be out to see them soon. Then they will be able to wish her a happy birthday personnally

The Work of the Committee for National Salvation

The Commitee for National Salvation of Ukraine has been working for the second day. The offices are on the second floor of the Trade Union Building.

They have been coordinating the work of strikes and actions, preparing materials for the extraordinay session of the VR held today and the negotiations which began on Friday.

There is a volunteer corps of security form throughout Ukraine which maintains order in a firm but friendly fashion.

The center also resolves problems encountered by people bused in by Yanukovych's thugs. 5kanal aired a report about a fellow who was brought to Kyiv by the thugs to show "support" for Yanukovych and is now abandoned by his "benifactors" with no way to return home.

On the first floor of the Trade Union Building are the coordinating offices of the tent city. There, the demonstrators can charge up their cell phones, their cameras. And, if fact are encouraged to do so, so that using these means, spread the word about what is happening on the Maidan.

Ukrainian Parliament Votes No Confidence to CEC Results

At an Extraordinary Session of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada, voted not to recognize the results announced by the CEC of the elections held on November 21 because they do not reflect the wishes of the people.

The Speaker of the Parliament, Lytvyn said that results of 1st tour was unacceptable but the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) at the that time they, and he included himself, remained quiet. He said "If we took a principled position after the first tour, we would not have this situation."

The Communists said that they believed that because the first tour was also falsified, the vote should be to annul everything which occured.

Opposition deputies quickly pointed out that if they were to do that, the "criminal authorities" would continue in their illegitimate roles.

Ultimately 323 deputies, both the opposition and pro-vlada voted for this. For a motion to pass, it must have 226 votes.

Furthermore, the Verkhovna Rada requested that Kuchma, the current Ukrainian President submit to the parliament his recommendations concerning the resignation of the Central Election Commission (CEC) members by December 1, 2004.

5Kanal is reporting that members of Yanukovych's parliamentary fraction, Regions of Ukraine, are disheartened because their candidate was the wrong candidate to begin with.

Koresspondent is reporting that pro-Yanukovyh factions Regions lost another member, Ihor Chelombitko and SDPU(o) lost Anatoli Pysarenko.

Earlier, Regions lost Voldymyr Maystryshyn who left the fraction as a protest against the CEC's decision to announce Yanukovych the winner of the presidential race.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Knuckle Dragging Thugs

There is information about the richest thug in Ukraine, Akhmetov, flying into Borispol, Kyiv's main airport, two days ago to meet withYanukovych. They met for about 2 minutes on the runway. Akhmetov told Yanukovych that "I spent 200 million on you, and look what's happening."

Akhmetov punched Yanukovych in the mouth, turned around, got on the plane and left. Yanukovych then turned to Kripa and punched him in turn in the mouth and knocked out two teeth.

The FT reported yesterday how the oligarchs have been shaken by the massive pro-democracy demonstrations.
Business leaders assumed the authorities would deliver the required result and deal effectively with any public backlash in favour of theopposition candidate, Viktor Yushchenko.
To read about the differences between the two opposing camps AP published an astute article describing the drunken louts of the Yanukovych camp and organized students of the Yuschenko camp. This is a mirror of the article.

Keep Informed: Valuable Links

Live Webcasts in Ukrainian:

Audio Broadcast of 5KANAL Marathon : - Click on one of the mirrors
Radio Lux Audio Marathon: In the menu bar select: zhevej efir/svit (Живий ефір - Світ)
Radio 'Era' (

Kudos to Blogs:

Tulip Girl
Neeka's Backlog
Le Sabot Post Moderne
A Fistful of Euros
Volodymyr Campaign

News sites:
Kyiv Post

From the Students and Faculty of the Ukrainian Catholic University

to Those Outside of Ukraine
Who Have Supported Ukraine's Movement for Freedom and Democracy
26 November 2004

On behalf of Ukrainians now in vigil in the streets of Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities; of Ukrainians supporting those in vigil with prayer, food, shelter, and other material aid; and of Ukrainians doing organizational work from their homes and workplaces; the students of Ukrainian Catholic University thank YOU, people outside of Ukraine, for supporting the movement for freedom and democracy in Ukraine in the twenty-first century.

Many of you have joined rallies and vigils in your home countries; many of you have written letters and signed petitions to your elected leaders; many of you have simply sent us words of support. Do not underestimate the value of what you have done on behalf of Ukraine's freedom. No matter what form your support has taken, whether big or (seemingly) small, your support in this time of peaceful but intense struggle, has been valuable beyond words.

Any struggle for democracy and freedom depends upon numbers, upon material resources, and upon organization. But it also depends upon something else: Morale. Morale is what makes it possible for well-meaning people to mobilize material resources and organizational abilities.

Morale is therefore priceless. And yet, while it is priceless, it can be boosted and sustained by even the smallest of gestures.



"Student Unity Movement"
Ukrainian Catholic University
vul. Ilariona Sventsitskoho, 17
Lviv, 79011, UKRAINE

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Supreme Court of Ukraine Just Issued a Decision

that the results announced by the Central Election Commitee cannot be considered final until they are reviewed by the court. The review will occur on Monday.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Websites Go "Orange"

Though Ukraine, Oh My! has been writing in orange in support of the opposition in Ukraine, the website has now followed the very fine examples of Gazeta Wyborcza which has gone "orange" in solidarity with Ukraine:

Nasz portal jest dzi? pomara?czowy na znak solidarno?ci z Ukrain?

And the site of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America which has also gone "orange":

The UCCA Website has gone "ORANGE" in support of the millions in Ukraine who are fighting for the future. For Freedom and Democracy. For Honor and Dignity. We encourage all webmasters to join the "ORANGE REVOLUTION"

The idealism of the children on Khreshtatyk should inspire webmasters all over the world to join the "Orange Revolution." Pass it on!

Coup preparations in Ukraine actively supported by Russian troops

Authorities ready to oppress opposition protests
over disputed elections with foreign armed forces

From Our Ukraine

According to the latest reports, after 19-00 local time several planes with Russian special military units have landed in Boryspil International airport near Kyiv. The precise number of planes as well as the number of militants is unclear for now.

Earlier today Oleksandr Zinchenko, the head of Victor Yushchenko's election campaign, declared that Russian Special Forces "Vityaz", up to 1000 strong, have been deployed in Kyiv. They had been brought to Ukraine from Russia on the eve of 21 November elections and remain in Kyiv, it is alleged. "All members of the Russian Special Forces are dressed in Ukrainian uniforms and none of them have any identification documents" announced Zinchenko.

Zinchenko stated that "Vityaz" special-forces have three main tasks: "first – ensuring the disappearance of 10-15 key opposition leaders. Second – isolating via arrests several influential members of the Victor Yushchenko's team, who are not people's deputies of Ukraine and do not have immunity. Third – provoking violent confrontations and conflicts in the streets of the capital to create conditions for introducing an emergency situation". The presence of Russian military personnel is viewed as the last resort of Kuchma's personal security, because, according to sources, he is not confident in the loyalty of Ukraine 's Security Service personnel in case of actions of mass protest.

According to information from dwellers of Irpin city outside of Kyiv, a big unit of Russian Vityaz special forces are being deployed near Ukrainian capital. Local town residents witness that Russian special forces are known for their brutal operations in Chechnya and are being equipped with Ukrainian special police force uniforms as well as civil dress.

"Vityaz" special forces that landed at a military airport near the Ukrainian capital yesterday, are supposedly based in Bryansk (Russia). According to experts they also specialize on carrying out special operations abroad, but most widely known for their operations in Chechnya and defending the Moscow TV Tower in 1993. The ex-commander of Vityaz unit was awarded the "Hero of Russia" award for operation against Russia's Duma in 1993.

According to the Ukrainian Constitution, foreign armed forces can be located on the territory of Ukraine only if granted permission by Ukraine's Parliament.

Official sources deny Russian forces are deployed in Ukraine. According to the Member of Parliament Yuliya Tymoshenko, foreign armed forces are located in the courtyards of the presidential administration, currently surrounded by protesting citizens.

Yesterday, November 23rd, Ukrainian MP Yuliya Tymoshenko witnessed Russian special forces are backing Ukrainian police around presidential administration.

Today another Ukrainian MP and colonel of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) Georgiy Omelchenko demanded the Head of the SSU Ihor Smeshko uncover all information on the foreign troops illegally present in Ukraine. He also appealed to Smeshko to use all means and power necessary to remove concealed foreign troops even through use of Ukrainian Alfa special security units. Olexandr Zinchenko also demanded "that Russian Special Forces leave the country immediately. If that is not done, Ukraine and Russia will be involved in an international scandal with unpredictable international consequences."

Plan by Yuschenko Presented to the Demonstrators and More

Yuschenko said that the authorities want to achieve a coup. He asked the people to be even more responsible and decisive.

Point by point presented by Yuschenko which was then filled out by Yulya Tymoshenko

Committee of NAtional Salvation formed to defend democracy in Ukraine.

The decision by the CEC puts Ukraine on the edge of civil conflict.

The people are forced to find justice on the streets.

Yuschenko took over Ukrainskyj Dim as headquarters .

Vlada choose the most primitive way to behave and threw out compromise.

Yuschenko called for an ALL Ukrainian national political strike to involve state institutions and schools, businesses

Blockages of all airports, roads and highways will be phased in.

But they remain open to a political settlement.

Do not want anyone to incite any violence. Lives must not be lost although everyone knows that people are willing to sacrifice for Ukraine. They request that people do not challenge the vlada were the vlada does its business

They will work to take power into their hands at the local level.

More bits of info...

Yulya read the names of those who betrayed Ukraine in CEC and voted to sign the protocals on behalf of the thug Yanukovych. She said that their names will go down in history as traitors. People chanted "Han'ba' (Shame!) after the list was read. She also read the names of those who were "curageous" and supported the people and voted against signing the protocal. And the people cheered "Molodets'!"

More cities come on board recognizing Yuschenko as President:
Kharkiv city voted to recognize President Yuschenko

These decisions at local level are an additional expression of their legitimacy

On the Maidan there are about 400 tents now.

Luhansk' shut down 5kanal

Kuchma said 5kanal inciting civil war.

5Kanal statement that they adhere to constitution and any attempt to close them down is illegal

80 high-ranking generals and officers call on military to support Yuschenko. They include airforce,interior ministry, army national guard officers

Officers and troops of Interior Ministry Troops of division D00090 recognize Yuschenko as president

Countries from the EU and the US declared that they do not recognize Yanukovych as Ukraine's president.

Yulya on the Maidan Now

My quick transcription and translation of Yulya Tymoshenko's speech as she talks now on the Maidan:

Tomorrow we will go to the supreme court though we know that the court is not fair. we will try to convince them to be just. But we also know that trying to work legally with people don't recognize the law is truely impossible.

we must start first battles. we will battle to the end

last night when we passed the barriers into the Presidential Administration and we saw what is happening there. We got infornmation from the officers there. there are not only Ukrainians. there are soldiers of another country dressed in Ukrainian uniforms. But the foreign soldiers will shoot if there are more than 50 people coming in. The Ukrainians said they will not shot.

But last night we knew if we brought the people in there, we knew what will happen.

We must now plan concretely. we will block roads, railroads, airports and will not let them destroy or country

We do not want to lose a single Ukrainian life.

We will release our plans in the next two days and carry them out every hour. We
will take every village, every city, every oblast.

For more updates on Tymoshenko go to Ukraine - Oh My! Homepage.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Tymoshenko: Non-Ukrainians With Orders to Shoot Ukrainians

Yulia Tymoshenko, after exiting the Presidential Administration, stated that in the courtyard and within the building are heavily armed troops. She further stated that they were clearly not citizens of Ukraine. Yulia discussing with the Special Forces Furthermore, she was told by the officers on the scene that they were under orders to shoot if more than fifty people cross into the building. This is further confirmation of eyewitness reports that Russian Special Forces are being brought into Ukraine.

According to, guarding the Presidential Administration are first five rows, then two rows then ten more rows of Ukrainian Berkut (Special Forces) and they are are minumally armed. But immediately in front of the building itself is what is allegedly the presidential guard, dressed all in black and heavily armed. The General in charge of the operation, General Savchenko, stated that he has no control over those troops.

The consensus among Ukrainians is that Ukrainian troops will not shoot their own children and Ukrainian Omon troops have already been coming over to the Yuschenko camp. And since the thugs in power are Moscow's lackey's, Putin is doing all he can to insure that Ukraine is a colony of Russia's.

In an excellent editorial yesterday, the Washington Post called on President Bush to

...end his administration's passivity in the face of massive and malign Russian intervention in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin, who has been consolidating an authoritarian regime in Moscow, now seeks to install a client government in Kiev; he channeled hundreds of millions of dollars into Mr. Yanukovych's campaign and personally traveled to Ukraine before each of the election's two rounds. Yesterday Mr. Putin brazenly issued a statement congratulating Mr. Yanukovych, even though Ukraine's election commission had not finished counting the vote or declared an official result. To its credit, the administration summoned the Russian ambassador in Washington to a meeting with a State Department official, Assistant Secretary A. Elizabeth Jones, who expressed concern about Mr. Putin's action. The next step is for Mr. Bush to clearly and publicly challenge the Russian president on his neo-imperialism -- and to design a U.S. policy to check it.

Russian interference in Ukraine must be condemned internationally and Putin must be made to feel the consequences his imperial ambitions

U.S. Urges Ukraine Not to Certify Votes

Associated Press

CRAWFORD, Texas - The Bush administration urged the Ukrainian government on Tuesday not to certify results of the disputed presidential election, which gave a Kremlin-backed candidate a narrow lead over a Western-leaning opposition candidate with almost all votes counted.

"The United States is deeply concerned by extensive and credible indications of fraud committed in the Ukrainian presidential election," White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan told reporters at a briefing in Crawford, Texas, where President Bush is spending Thanksgiving.

The Oct. 31 election shows Viktor Yanukovych - backed by the outgoing government and Russia - beating Viktor Yushchenko, who is supported by the United States. The election has been widely dismissed by observers as flawed. The election is considered an important test of democracy in the former Soviet republic of 48 million.

"We strongly support efforts to review the conduct of the election and urge Ukrainian authorities not to certify results until investigations of organized fraud are resolved," Buchan said.

The United States also expressed hope that the situation can be resolved peacefully.

"The government bears a special responsibly not to use or incite violence and to allow free media to report accurately on the situation without intimidation or coercion," she said.

Thug recognizes Thug

Lukashenka, the Byelorussian dictator recognized the illegitimate elections in Ukraine and greeted Yanukovych with his "victory"

Spetznatz decided to let demonstrators to PA

The job of the Spetznatz was not to let the demonstrators to the Presidential Administration. But they decided let the democrats through.

OMON on Luteranska

Special Forces are beginning to push back at the Hundreds of thousnd going to Bankova.

Militia is making football fans going to the stadium to see Dynamo-Roma remove anything orange.

Attacks to Begin?

Militia with attack dogs are surrounding the demonstrators.

Attacks to Begin?

Militia with attack dogs are surrounding the demonstrators.

Spetznatz surrounding Democrats?

Correspondents in the center of the hundreds of thousands cannot confirm. 5Kanal reported earlier that witnesses have stated that Russian troops have been arriving in Ukraine and changing into Ukrainian uniforms.

Zinchenko and Tymoshenko are in Presidential Administration

Militia that was not supposed to allow the democrats to the Bankova have allowed them to the building.

150 leading Ukrainian Diplomats Sign On to Support Yuschenko

At 8pm Markian Lubkivsky, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that more than 150 leading diplomats signed on to support Yuschenko.

In English below:

An Open Declaration
By a Group from the Diplomatic Corps of Ukraine

We, Ukrainian diplomats, declare our resolute protest against what has become the transformation of the Presidential elections of 2004 into a disgraceful war against the people of Ukraine. Today when our families, our loved ones and our friends find themselves on Independence Square in Kyiv, we cannot remain silent.

Guided by our conscience, our professional pride and our oath to loyally serve the Ukrainian state, we express our solidarity with the voice of the Ukrainian people. That voice is an expression of protest against the violation of our citizens' right to elect a president by democratic means.

In spite of incessant threats, terror and massive fraud, the Ukrainian people have expressed their will. Their choice, however, has proven inconvenient for those representatives of the political elite in Ukraine who have for years ostensibly expressed Ukraine's European and democratic orientation. At this crucial moment, the actions of that same elite have proven that the expressions of European integration and democracy were merely empty slogans. The people of Ukraine, represented by a small portion freezing in Kyiv's Independence Square, deserve a different government than the one currently asserting itself.

We are convinced that our silence today, in the long-term, would continue to undermine and erode the authority of our state. This would effectively change the diplomatic corps into an instrument of service to a government whose legitimacy is already questioned by the world community. Once and for all, this would annul the international reputation of our country. Democratic nations of the world will turn away from Ukraine. We cannot quietly look away as Ukraine's future is buried along with the future of our children. We call upon all members of the Ukrainian diplomatic corps to raise its voice in defense of what we believe and hold dear: an independent, democratic and honorable Ukraine.

We, Ukrainian citizens, demand that the results of the elections reflect the true will of the people as the only source of power in Ukraine. We believe that other members of the diplomatic service will come to support this declaration.

Advisor to the Embassy of Ukraine to the United States O.V. Shcherba
Second Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine to the United States U. B. Parkhomenko
Advisor to the Embassy of Ukraine to the United States O.V. Potiekhin
Advisor to the Embassy of Ukraine to the United States V. M. Chuma

(An unofficial translation prepared by Mykola Hryckowian, Vice President of the
Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine and Marko Suprun, Executive
Director of the Ukrainian American Civil Liberties Association)

Revolution Now in Ukraine - We Need Support NOW!

Events are spinning forward. The opposition met in the Parliament. Only 193 deputies were present. You need 226 to have a quorum.

Yuschenko was urged by his advisers (esp Yukhnovsky) to do this act in order to keep up the momentum and to forestall the thugs initiative: it is expected that the CEC will declare Yanukovych, the thug the winner, very soon.

During the Parliamenry session Moroz declares that Kuchma must understand that this may not be a Georgain scenario but may turn into the Romanian scenario, ie Kuchma's neck in on the line, literally. Moroz talked about Nicolae Ceausescu, the exection of Ceausescu the communist dictator of Romania.

Yuschenko goes out to the people on the Maidan. Swears allegience to them. They are forming a civil defense team for protection. Tomorrow, Yuschenko is forming his cabinet and beginning work in his "Presidential Office."

Rumors everywhere about Russian troops, Berkut, OMON in Ukraine. Information just received that on Artema St. there is Berkut in riot gear set to attack the democratic supporters.

National Committee for Radio and Television is meeting right now to close down the only free tv network in Ukraine, 5Kanal for "inciting" civil war.

Odessa Oblast called on Kuchma to declare a State of Emergency. Feeling in Yuschenko's camp is that this will be declared tonight.

French, American and Baltic banks have suspended all trading with Ukrainian banks.

We need the West to recognize Yuschenko NOW!!! Call your elected officials NOW! Your Senators, your DEputies, your Parliamentarians NOW!

Pray for Ukraine.

The chant

"Nas bahato; za namy peremoha"
There are many of us; We will win!

Ukrainan Revolution Is On

There is blizzard in Kyiv now. At this moment the 200,000 plus are creating a human corridor for Yuschenko to Bankova, the street of the Presidential Administration. There are no plans to storm the PA, just do the symbolizm.

The Americans called called some Ukrainian authorities to the embassy to ask what's going on.

We need the West Now!

Monday, November 22, 2004

Everyone in Support of Democracy - Diplomats TOO!

From students laying their bodies in front of buses to prevent the transportation of illegal bands of "voters," to officers in the armed forces and militia of The Heroes of UkraineUkraine pledging their support for the people, to oblasts (provinces) recognizing Yuschenko as the legitimate president of Ukraine, to demonstrations the authorities try to organize in support of the thug Yanukovych turning into rallies supporting Yuschenko and it goes on and on... Ukraine is claiming its future.

And now, diplomats from Ukraine's embassy in Washington DC have issued an open letter in which they state that they cannot remain silent. They are raising their voices in defense of an independent, democratic, honorable Ukraine and call on their collegues to do the same.
The full text in Ukrainian follows:
групи українських дипломатів

Ми, українські дипломати, висловлюємо рішучий протест проти ганебної війни із власним народом, на яку перетворилися президентські вибори 2004 року. Сьогодні, коли наші рідні, близькі, друзі знаходяться на Майдані Незалежності, ми не можемо мовчати.

Керуючись совістю, професійною честю та присягою вірно служити державі Україна, приєднуємося до голосу українського народу, в якому звучить протест проти порушення права громадян обирати президента демократичним шляхом.

Попри тиск, залякування і масовий обман, український народ виявив свою волю. Його вибір не влаштовує тих представників політичної еліти України, які роками говорили про її європейську і демократичну орієнтацію, але у вирішальний момент показали, що Європа і демократія для них порожні слова. Народ України, лише мала частина якого мерзне сьогодні на Майдані Незалежності в Києві, довів, що він заслуговує на іншу владу.

Ми переконані, що наше мовчання сьогодні матиме наслідком подальше падіння авторитету держави, а отже і перетворення дипломатичної служби на інструмент обслуговування влади,легітимність якої вже поставлена під питання світовою спільнотою. Це остаточно ерекреслить міжнародну репутацію нашої країни, відверне від неї демократичні нації світу. Ми не можемо мовчки дивитися, коли закопується в землю майбутнє України, майбутнє наших дітей.

Ми закликаємо український дипломатичний корпус підняти свій голос на захист того, у що ми всі віримо – незалежної, демократичної, чесної України. Ми, українські громадяни, вимагаємо, щоб результати виборів відображали дійсне волевиявлення народу як єдиного джерела влади в Україні.

Віримо, що інші працівники дипломатичної служби приєднаються до цієї заяви.

Радник Посольства України в США О.В.Щерба
Другий секретар Посольства України в США Ю.Б.Пархоменко
Радник Посольства України в США О.В.Потєхін
Радник Посольства України в США В.М.Чумак

Diaspora Recognizes Yuschenko President


The Ukrainian World Congress and its member organizations in thirty countries, actively monitored the electoral process in Ukraine on November 21, 2004. Our conclusions are based upon the observations of some 250 international monitors, accredited by the Central Elections Commission from the UWC and our member organization the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America which included a delegation from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress.

Irrespective of the final result to be announced by the CEC, at this time it is clear, even assuming the current numbers of the CEC, that the tally for each candidate is similar. For this reason we feel that the violations which took place to benefit candidate Victor Yanukovich influenced the result submitted by the CEC. Should the CEC declare Victor Yanukovich president, he cannot be deemed to have been elected by the voters. Should the CEC declare Victor Yushchenko president, he will have overcome substantial obstacles and violations.

Among the violations we include such primitive ones as proxy voting, procurement of more than one ballot by some voters, attempts to stuff the ballot box by representatives of the local elections commissions or their friends, the so called carousel, flagrant bribing, etc. More significant were events such as suggesting a vote for candidate Yanukovich by the local elections commissions, remitting invites to vote with a pamphlet about candidate Yanukovich, personal advice on how to vote given by local election commission members, directors of establishments of employment and others in positions of influence. The most severe results were due to an egregious abuse by candidate Yanukovich of administrative state resources, not only from the government of Ukraine but also from non-democratic foreign governments, i.e. Russia and the not-recognized Transdniester. Additionally, we mention detainments and attempts to frighten Yushchenko’s monitors.

The Ukrainian Diaspora, whose activities are coordinated by the UWC, sends greetings to Victor Yuschenko as the winner of the election and offers him its support for the benefit of the Ukrainian people and an independent democratic Ukrainian state.

Kyiv, November 22, 2004

Askold S. Lozynskyj
President UWC

Victor Pedenko
Secretary General UWC

Michael Sawkiw
President UCCA
Ostap Skrypnyk
Executive Director UCC