Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Don't like orange? Too bad!

is it orange? you decide. photo - ReutersAt his meeting with Putin today, Yuschenko appears to be wearing an orange tie. It may, in fact, not be orange. Yesterday's tie was 'in your face,' 'so, you wanna make something of it' orange. There was no mistaking the color. Today's tie, I'm not so sure. Perhaps it is salmon, a delicate blend of rose and orange. Or another such fashionable color. In any case, if it's not orange, it is certainly close enough to suggest the idea of orange.

Now the idea of orange certainly brings to mind the revolution, suggests standing up to Russia and pokes Putin in the eye. It's always fun to do that, that is, poke Putin in the eye. And with what's been going on these last few days, it helps Yuschenko to appear to be the one doing the poking. Makes him look strong, leaderlike and like the true defender of Ukraine's national interests. No doubt, Yuschenko's handlers believe so.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Another Fine Mess - Ukrainian Gov't Sacked - Legal Chaos?

So, is he or isn't he the PM?The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's Parliament sacked Yekhanurov's government but now there's no way to appoint a new one...

According to Serhiy Holovatyi, Ukraine's Justice Minister, the constitutional reform deal that came into effect on January 1, set the stage for politicians pushing "the country into legal chaos."

Legal advisor to Yuschenko, Mykola Polud'oney explained to Ukrainiinska Pravda that the problem arises because the provisions allowing the VR to fire the gov't have come into effect but a mechanism which provide for the appointment of a new one has not yet been approved.

Meanwhile, the Guardian is reporting that Yekhanurov told reporters that the sacking was nonbinding. Further, he said that his government would continue working until at least March when a newly elected parliament will appoint a new cabinet.

As for the President's reaction, Yuschenko's travelling again and he's in Astana, Kazakhstan. He stated that Parliament acted unconstitutionally and illegally and therefore, he may have no recourse but to disband the Verkhovna Rada. Additionally, according to the Presidential press service, Yuschenko will take the VR's vote before Ukraine's Constitutional Court. In their release, they quote Yuschenko as stating that the government is not an 'acting gov't' but rather it is an actual gov't, and that legally nothing has changed: «Хочу підкреслити, вони не виконуватимуть обов’язки, а працюватимуть як прем’єр-міністр і як міністри Кабінету Міністрів». «Ні політично, ні у правовому полі ситуація в Україні не змінилася»

My, what fun awaits us all! Lawsuits, electioneering, campaigning, fist pounding...