Friday, November 19, 2004

Trains with 'absentee voters' are arriving in Kyiv

The thugs are getting in position to commit massive fraud on Sunday during Ukraine's presidential elections.

According to people’s deputy V’yacheslav Kyrylenko, a train transporting
people only with absentee ballots arrived to the “Kyiv-Dniprovskiy” train
station at 10:40AM today.

“They were loaded onto the awaiting buses with militia escort,” reported the people’s deputy. It is not known from where the train had come but its arrival is a fact, assured the people’s deputy.

19 листопада в Київ прибувають два поїзди з янучарським десантом.Один поїзд
прибуває о 10.28 на Київ-Дніпровський, а інший - о 10.37 на Київ-Петрівку. Далі
пасажирів обох поїздів будуть у супроводі міліції розвозитись автобусами для
розселення на околицях Києва. 20-22 листопада в Київ мають прибути ще 29 поїздів з янучарськими найманцями. 19-21 листопада 16 поїздів десантуються в західній Україні. 20 листопада на Київ під міліцейським супроводом посунуть колони автобусів з півдня та сходу.Сьогодні, 18.11.2004 р., о 7.00 на залізничну
станцію Київ-Московський вже прибув безіменний пасажирський поїзд з
короткостриженими пасажири. Їх зустрічали 40 автобусів і 3 міліцейські

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Ukraine in the Eyes of a Smug Condescending American

Perhaps one of the most arrogant, ignorant ugly American alleged 'analysis' of the current situation in Ukraine is reported by Peter Lavelle for UPI - United Press International. Lavelle interviews Morgan Williams who represents something called the Ukrainian Federation of America. This 'federation,' however, is a non-organizationWe don't need your advice Mr Williams! in America. Evidently, Williams' claim to fame is that he resends articles about Ukraine, albeit in a timely fashion, which are issued on the internet.

Mr. Williams, who is in Ukraine as an observer for the presidential elections, is clearly himself not terribly observant. He condescendingly reminds Ukrainians that Ukraine is not Russia. He condescendingly reminds Ukrainians of the Holodomor. He condescendingly reminds Ukrainians that "Ukraine does not need a symbiotic or parasitical relationship with Russia." Furthermore he asks: "Wonderful, exciting opportunities are staring all Ukrainians right in the face. Why do not more Ukrainians see this clearly and passionately?"

Mr. Williams needs to asked: Where are you? Clearly you are not in Ukraine. Or if you are, you are huddled behind blinders of ignorance. Everything has gone orange! The Ukrainians, those who you so disparage, those who stopped the Mongol hordes, those who have survived incomprehensible torment, torture and genocide are once again battling to save Europe, to save human dignity. If you are in Ukraine, turn your gaze northwards. To Russia. That is what awaits if those splendid children, men and woman fail in their struggle.

You accuse the Ukrainians of failing to see what they can be. You, Mr. Williams, you are the one who fails to see who the Ukrainians truly are.

On Thursday Nov. 18th, Yanukovuch is ambushed by journalists and asked about his time in prison. Clearly he's very unhappy about the question and responds that he's 'clean' with the law. As he runs off, his handler keeps repeating, "No press conference. No press conference..."

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Interior Ministry Officers Expose Shocking Vote Rigging, Threats in Ukraine

Askold Krushelnycky, the well-known intrepid journalist, reporting from Kharkiv, published an article in the Independent exposing major election fraud by Yanukovych's thugs.

Senior police officers say they have been ordered to help rig the result of the Ukrainian presidential election and to use violence, including bombings, to undermine the opposition...

...The police did not disguise their contempt for Mr Yanukovych, who has twice been imprisoned for assault. They claim he was charged with two other serious crimes but he avoided prosecution both times through bribery.

Krushelnytsky writes that five Interior Ministry officers, ranging in age from their twenties to fifties and with ranks of full Colonels and under Colonels, met with him under Le Carre type circumstances. They told him of 500,000 pre-marked ballots for Yanukovych, hidden and kept under guard by local militia, which were then later distributed to polling places.

And reports that the director of Yuschenko's office, Oleh Rybachuk, informed the press on Tuesday, November 16, that the President's Administration and the Yanukovych campaign have allocated between $5 - 10,000 for each head of territorial election commissions to guarantee the votes, with a similar sum to be paid out for the successful completion of the fraud after election day.

Let's hope that there is some justice in the world. If there is, it looks like jail time is not something which is just in Yanukovych's past...

Monday, November 15, 2004

TV shot of the debate

The debate is underway

And shamelessly, Yanukovych is attempting to position himself as the representative of the "new" uncorrupt leadership while attacking Yuschenko as the representative of the oligarchic structures.

View Yuschenko - Yanukovych Television Debate

Despite Yanukovych's reluctance to participate, the television debate between the people's candidateThe People's candidate will debate Yanukovych on UT1 Tonight - Viktor Yuschenko and the authorities' candidate - Viktor Yanukovych will be broadcast tonight at 19:00 on UT1.

For those not in Ukraine it will be viewable via the internet at the Unian website:ТЕЛЕДЕБАТИ

It will also be available at

The Central Election Committee determined that the debate will not exceed 100 minutes and will cover four thematic blocks: the economy, foreign relations, internal politics and social issues.

The candidates opening statements will be limited to 3 minutes, while closing statements will not exceed 5 minutes.

Yuriy Melnyk from Ukrainian National Television will moderate the debate.