Saturday, December 04, 2004

Call For International Election Observers For Ukrainian Run-off

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, which has fielded international election observers to Ukraine since 1994, is calling upon the international community to volunteer as observers for the Dec. 26th run-off election.

They state that:

We do not want to provide you with inaccurate information or with false hope, since we cannot confirm with certainty that additional election monitors will be registered with the CEC or that previously issued accreditations will be valid. Nonetheless, with the understanding that many details are still unknown, those interested in serving as a member of UCCA’s Delegation of International Election Observers, please ... fill out the form as soon as possible. We will continue to post all updates in this regard on our website.

Information on their very good program is available here. The form to register is available here.

Ukraine will need as many objective observers as possible for the run-off. If you are in Ukraine already and are not a Ukrainian citizen (you do not need to be a US citizen to register with the UCCA) please volunteer. If you're not in Ukraine and wish to genuinely contribute to making this world a better place, join the effort. Help Ukrainians truly celebrate Christmas by supporting their cry for freedom.


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